Hi !!!

I'm Imesh Udantha Thanapathi


As an undergraduate student in Computer Engineering, I like to explore the field of Computer Engineering and always learn new things to succeed in my career.

About Me

Name: Imesh Udantha Thanapathi

Age: 24

Qualification: Bsc.Eng(Com) Undergraduate

Home: Kandy

Region: Sri Lanka

Hobbies: Travelling, Reading


Projects Completed


Years Experience on Tutoring


Experiences on Volunteering


Blog Articles

My Education


School Education

Started school studies at Kingswood College, Kandy.


O/L Examination

Passed G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination with 9A's.


A/L Examination

Passed G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination with 2 A's and B in physical sciences stream.


University Selection

Selected for Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna.


Higher Studies

Started studying at University of Ruhuna as an Engineering undergraduate.



Specialized in Computer Enginnering.

My Skills

Programming Languages

Back-end Frameworks

Front-end Frameworks

Mobile Development

Data Science



My Projects

Student Management System Desktop Application

Nov 2022 - Mar 2023

Developed a comprehensive desktop application for a Student Management System using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). This project aimed to streamline administrative tasks, enhance teacher-student interactions, and provide students with a transparent view of their academic progress.

Key features - CRUD operations, User Authentication, User-Specific Sections

Technologies - C#, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), MVVM Architecture, MySQL Database Management

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TechyStore - E-Commerce Website

Aug 2023 - Oct 2023

Developed a dynamic e-commerce website catering to an online electronic equipment store, showcasing my proficiency in full-stack web development using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. This project not only showcased my ability to create a feature-rich and user-friendly e-commerce platform but also highlighted my skills in deploying web applications using contemporary technologies.

Key features - Product diversity, User friendly shopping experience, Customer interaction, Admin control panel, Deployment

Technologies - MERN, Figma, Render, MongoDB Atlas, GitHub

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Salary Predictor - ML Project

Dec 2023 - Jan 2024

Developed a sophisticated web application leveraging machine learning algorithms to predict salaries for data science engineers, combining the power of linear regression and random forest regression models. The seamless integration of React for the front-end and Django (Python) as the backend server enhances the user experience, providing an intuitive platform for salary estimation.

Key features - Machine Learning Prediction, User-Friendly Interface, Dynamic Backend

Technologies - Machine Learning Algorithms (Linear Regression and Random Forest) and libararies, React, Django(Python), Jupyter Notebook, Kaggle Dataset

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MatchMate - Mobile Application

Nov 2023 - Jan 2024

Engineered a dynamic mobile application that empowers users to discover compatible partners based on their specified preferences and engage in seamless conversations, leveraging the versatile Flutter framework, Firebase for backend functionality, and Figma for streamlined design.

Key features - Preference-Based Matching, Real-Time Chat Functionality, Intuitive User Interface, Secure User Profiles

Technologies - Flutter, Firebase, Figma

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FortRoam - Mobile Application

Nov 2023 - April 2024

As Mobile Developer, actively contributed to the development of FortRoam mobile application project, a revolutionary digital platform aimed at enhancing the tourist experience in Galle Fort. FortRoam serves as a comprehensive guide, seamlessly blending historical exploration, navigation, and immersive technologies such as voice recognition. FortRoam is a cross platform development project which is being developed in accordance with Agile Methodologies.

Key features - Interactive Exploration, AI Speech Recognition, Audio Descriptions, QR code scan and access, Navigation

Technologies - Flutter, Node.js, Figma, Google Maps Platform, AWS S3

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FortRoam - Web Application

Nov 2023 - April 2024

As Front-end Developer and UI/UX designer, actively contributed to the development of FortRoam web application project, a revolutionary digital platform aimed at enhancing the tourist experience in Galle Fort. FortRoam is a cross platform development project which is being developed in accordance with Agile Methodologies.

Key features - Interactive Exploration, Profile Setup, Blogs Adding Function

Technologies - React, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS S3

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Fake News Predictor - AI Project

May 2024 - June 2024

As part of our ongoing efforts to leverage AI for societal benefit, I developed an AI project aimed at predicting fake news. This project utilized LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) deep learning technology to achieve high accuracy in identifying fake news.

Dataset - Acquired from Kaggle for training the model.

AI Model - Implemented using LSTM deep learning technology.

Technologies - React, Flutter, Flask

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DevOps Project with TechyStore

June 2024 - July 2024

Automated a CI/CD pipeline for the TechyStore application, using AWS and cutting-edge DevOps tools, enhancing the development and deployment process. This project not only enhanced the understanding of DevOps practices but also demonstrated the power of automation in improving software development efficiency and reliability.

Technologies - AWS EC2, Terraform, Putty, Ansible, Github, Jenkins

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Contact Me

Contact Info

Imesh Udantha Thanapathi © 2024